woven stories into each thread, seeking to endure through time.


galleries and stores where you can find my artworks and products:

forum gallery
av.larco 1150, miraflores, lima-perú / https://galeriaforum.net

voma & friends
álvarez calderón 111, 2nd floor, san isidro, lima-perú / https://www.instagram.com/vomayamigos

av.sáenz peña 204, barranco, lima-perú / https://hotelb.pe/en/b-art

casa design by mari cooper
calle miguel dasso 117, of#15, san isidro, lima-perú / https://casadesign.com.pe

amano precolumbian textile museum
calle retiro 160, miraflores, lima-perú / https://www.museoamano.org