oceans from afar

In the same textile map different textures, materials and sensations, join together through the distance of the oceans.
Drawing the distance by the touch of the threads, in order to take some of here, to there.
Mixing textile weaving techniques that gathered enrich and strengthen the same membrane, unifying the real distance from afar.
“Océanos de Distancia” is a textile weave artwork that represents the great wealth of Perú.
From the depths of the Pacific Ocean, through the desert cost, going up to the height of the Andean mountain chain, and arriving to the rain forest Amazon diversity.

Commissioned by Capsule Arts for the peruvian restaurant “La Mar” in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

vertical loom, embroidery, gasa Chancay, hand weave.
alpaca, cotton, copper, merino wool (natural fibers).
190 x 120 cm.