“(…) emotions are one of the most complex, mobile and unattainable elements found in humans, intervening primarily in judgments, decisions making and any kind of psychic activity and human behavior” (taken from Exner&Sendin, Manual de interpretación del Rorschach, 1998). This project aims to discover, bodily and emotional radiography of the artist, sameness of his ego. That body (actual scans and x-rays), added to the emotional (Rorschach). Through a self-administered the Rorschach without coding or interpretation, the responses have been used to intervene each of the works.

RRx1: tocuyo racks and embroidered with beads.
RRx2: newsprint cotton intervened scans and x-rays characteristic of the artist.
RRx3: reinterpreted serigraphy of some of the sheets.
RRx4: tocuyo fabric.
photos ©Juan Pablo Murrugarra